[建筑设计]胡同茶舍——曲廊院 / 建筑营 Tea House in Huton / ARCH STUDIO

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[建筑设计]胡同茶舍——曲廊院 / 建筑营     Tea House in Huton / ARCH STUDIO

来自建筑营ARCH STUDIO的分享。我们还曾介绍过他们的北京荣宝斋西画馆项目Folding Screen



Project Background

The structure space of the project is about 450 square meter,  “L” shape neighborhood located in Beijing traditional Hutong district. The space includes 5 old traditional houses and some temporary constructed colored steel. The building originally served for company business meeting. However, the house resting for quite some time due to bad management, and now about to transforming it into tea houses for people to read and enjoy their tea time, and also can receive part of the individual dining guests.

↓ 胡同街景

↓ 室外

↓ 室外

设计理念 Design Concept

1.修复旧的。Repair old.

2.植入新的。Implant new.

↓ 分析图

↓ 模型



1.Repair old.

Collating and analyzing data of the old building are the beginning of the design. The north wing of the house is relatively complete. From the wood structure and the size of the gray bricks, we could tell the age of the house is from Qing Dynasty or even older. The wood structure on the east and west houses have been decaying with brick load-bearing walls. We deduce that the east and west building should be remodeling from 1970s to 1980s. Houses on the south side build in wood structure is old, the roof structure repaired using the wood from the old buildings, walls and roof are modified by the owners. According to both the house’s age value and use value, design using part selective way to repair: North room to keep the historical appearance based, only repair for the part have serious damage by replacing the bricks; southern partial renovating, demolition of wall and decoration of the roof, returned to the residence of a basic style; renovation of the West and East Wing, after the demolition in accordance with the traditional construction technology back into a wood structure building with pitched roof; remove all temporary housing, reducing texture of the Institute and the real relationship.

↓ 施工过程



2.Implant new.

The old architectural pattern will not sustain the comfort requirements of the contemporary environment and the new building must be completely closed for temperature resistance. Therefore, I have streamline visualization building, into the "Gallery", the combined construction of a flat "music corridor" will be distributed as a whole, to create a transition from the past to the modern, through the inside and outside environment are added under the eaves of the old buildings. In traditional architecture, the gallery is a half inside and half outside space form, it twists and turns volatile, scattered high and low, greatly increasing the enjoyment of the garden. Like the branch of the gallery from the outside to the extension of the old building which blurred the boundaries of the courtyard and the house, changing the courtyard into a rigid narrow impression. Light, transparent, white gallery space signifies ages of time along with vicissitudes of life mix with the dark aged architectural pattern which forms temperament contrast, refreshed the modern while maintain the past, opened the dimension of time creates mutual dialogue between the past and future. Winding corridor in the original courtyard divided into three random arcs like courtyards, makes each of the teahouse with independent outdoor scenery, thus forms transition of the public and private. Verandas glass curtain wall images ground-curved screen suspended into the air, bamboo forest scenery and the form of new and old buildings project to the teahouse, the old and new images are overlapping on each other. The curved corridor has the structure function of old architecture, the steel structure beam column replaces the decayed wood in the old building, and makes the new and old grow together.

↓ 主入口


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