
回复 星标




1.独上西楼 Stepping up the western tower ISRC CN-Z35-18-00057 02::56

2.再见!我的爱人Goodbye! My Love ISRC CN-Z35-18-00061 03:36

3.东山飘雨西山晴(粤)From eastern rainfall to western sunshine ISRC CN-Z35-18-00058 ?03:17

4.夜来香 Night Fragrance ISRC CN-Z35-18-00060 03:49

5.時の流れに身をまかせ(任时光从身边流逝)As Time Goes By ISRC CN-Z35-18-00066 04:08

6.初次尝到寂寞 Tasting the first loneliness ISRC CN-Z35-18-00068 04:01

7.忘记他(粤)Forget him ISRC CN-Z35-18-00065 03:01

8.但愿人长久 Wishing We Last Forever ISRC CN-Z35-18-00067 04:33

9.路边的野花不要采 Stay away from the wild flowers ISRC CN-Z35-18-00062 02:07

10.可否多见一眼(粤)Shall we meet again ISRC CN-Z35-18-00059 03:57

11.美酒加咖啡 Wine with coffee ISRC CN-Z35-18-00064 03:36

12.南海姑娘 A maiden from the South Sea ISRC CN-Z35-18-00063 03:40

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