Julia Fishcer -《巴哈:无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲与组曲全集》(Sonatas And Par

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Julia Fishcer -《巴哈:无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲与组曲全集》(Sonatas And Par

专辑英文名: Sonatas And Partitas For Solo Violin

专辑中文名: 巴哈:无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲与组曲全集

艺术家: Julia Fishcer

古典类型: 全集作品

版本: [2 SACD-r + DVD]

发行时间: 2005年06月14日

地区: 美国

语言: 英语



★TAS发烧名盘★2005年法国diapason音乐杂誌金音叉奖★2005年法国Classica杂誌惊豔大奖CHOC★双层多声道,一般CD Player均可播放

★DSD Recorded

1983年出生於慕尼黑的德国女小提琴家茱莉亚‧费雪,父亲是来自东德的数学家,母亲则是来自斯洛伐克的德国人。茱莉亚四岁不到就开始学小提琴,稍长也随母亲学钢琴。她先在奥格斯堡(Augsburg)的雷欧帕德‧莫札特音乐院接受正式音乐教育,九岁获准进入慕尼黑音乐院,在教授Ana Chumachenco门下学琴。茱莉亚在青少年时期曾参加过许多音乐比赛,最受人瞩目的就是1995年的国际曼纽因音乐大赛,她以十二岁之龄拿下青少年组第一名,同时获颁最佳「巴哈独奏作品」特别奖。接下来五年茱莉亚参加多项比赛更是屡获佳绩,之后她的足迹遍佈欧洲各地,和她合作的指挥与乐团也相当多。2003年茱莉亚在大师马捷尔带领巴伐利亚广播交响乐团之下在卡内基首度登台,终场获得全场起立致意的最高荣耀。此外,茱莉亚也是英国留声机Gramophone杂誌2007年的年度最佳艺人。

2004年,茱莉亚‧费雪在PentaTone Classics旗下录制首张个人专辑「俄罗斯小提琴协奏曲辑 (PTC5186059)」,发行之后大获好评,并获得留声机杂誌2005年一月号的「编辑严选专辑Editor’s Choice」,也入选美国TAS发烧天碟。自此茱莉亚在演奏舞台之外,展开一帆风顺的录音工作。到2010年为止,她在PentaTone已发行十张录音,曲目包括巴哈、莫札特、孟德尔颂、舒伯特、布拉姆斯和柴可夫斯基等作品,可说是张张精采,同时获得乐迷和乐评的青睞。




1-4. g小调第一号奏鸣曲BWV10015-12. b小调第一号组曲BWV100213-16. a小调第二号奏鸣曲BWV1003SACD-21-5. d小调第二号组曲BWV10046-9. C大调第三号奏鸣曲BWV100510-15. E大调第三号组曲BWV1006小提琴:茱莉亚‧费雪Julia Fischer录音:2004年规格:DSDStereoHybrid Multichannel

Plays on All SACD and CD Players

Bach: Sonatas And Partitas For Solo Violin / Julia Fischer

Release Date: 06/14/2005

Label: Pentatone Catalog #: 5186072 Spars Code: n/a

Composer: Johann Sebastian BachPerformer: Julia FischerNumber of Discs: 2Recorded in: Multi

Length: 2 Hours 30 Mins.

Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach

Audio CD (June 14, 2005)

SPARS Code: DDDNumber of Discs: 2Format: Hybrid SACD - DSD, ImportLabel: Pentatone

ASIN: B00097HE8U

Julia Fischer's solo Bach recordings add up to quite an impressive achievement for a 21-year-old violinist. Not only has she mastered her instrument on just about every level, but she also possesses an instinctive understanding of the rise and fall of Bach's melodies and how to project the composer's implied polyphony within a single line. In the G minor sonata's Presto, the B minor partita's Courrente and first Double, and the E major partita's Gigue, for example, Fischer colors her light, effortless bowing with phrasings and accents that clarify the music's inner rhythms and harmonic subtleties over the bar lines, yet without sacrificing dance-like momentum. She also achieves this by the consummate ease and focus with which she executes Bach's four-note chords, notably in her broad and mesmerizingly sustained interpretation of the great D minor Chaconne.

The E major Preludio's perfectly terraced dynamics and uplifting drive evokes Bach's incarnation of the same music as the Sinfonia of his Cantata No. 29. Yet there are times when Fischer's phrase groupings convey a more fragmented, less cohesive line than she possibly intends, such as in the G minor partita's Siciliano and the C major sonata's opening Adagio. Both lack the sense of long line and pulsating lilt you hear in James Ehnes' more vividly characterized performances. I generally prefer the latter's cycle by virtue of his prettier tone and superior voicing of the fugues. In the main, however, Julia Fischer's heartfelt and accomplished Bach playing is nothing less than world class, and so is PentaTone's surround-sound engineering.

--Jed Distler, ClassicsToday.com

This is a hybrid Super Audio CD playable on both regular and Super Audio CD players.

Sonatas and Partitas for Solo ViolinMain Performeror Conductor: Julia FischerInstrumentation: ViolinIndividual Works: Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001Partita No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003Partita No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004Sonata No. 3 in C, BWV 1005Partita No. 3 in E, BWV 1006Format: Compact DiscRecord Label: PentaTone classics (SACD)Catalog Number: PTC 5186 072Year Released/Recorded: 2004Total Playing Time: 73:08, 76:52

Comments: Thomas Hubeart said:

Julia Fischer begins her portion of the liner notes to her recording by attempting to anticipate some objections to her recording of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas at age 21: "Perhaps I should have waited a bit longer?" Thankfully, no apologia really seems needed once the listener begins to hear this very beautiful set of discs. (In the interests of full disclosure, I should say that these are actually Super Audio CDs; I am only able to listen to the CD layer of these hybrid discs, which is impressive enough, but what I have read of reviewers who have heard them as SACDs indicates that the sound quality that can be realized from that format is breathtaking.)

My own mental picture of these works is heavily dependent on Nathan Milstein's mid-1970s recording of them, a set that until now has been my personal "reference recording." Milstein's achievement can hardly be denied; his performances are truly powerful. However, I cannot help feeling that Milstein's conception of Bach conveys an overall sense that the heights of musical expression can only be achieved with difficulty. Everywhere this artist seems to be underlining the effort that propels these performances forward; his Bach is one who climbs like a Titan to the summit of a mountain to deliver his oracles to the world, not without laborious toil and strain.

While there is much to value in Milstein, it was with some relief that I found a much more graceful and poetic approach to these works from Julia Fischer. Compare, as just one obvious example, the last movement of the G minor sonata as played by Milstein with that of Ms. Fischer. Milstein certainly gives this music a strong profile, but for my taste it is too overdramatized, too busy making its rhetorical points to sing in the way that Ms. Fischer's does. The latter artist shapes the music but does not get in its way by underlining it excessively.

There are other instances where it almost seems that Ms. Fischer begins a movement in an overly restrained way, such as with the second movement fugues in the three sonatas, but it becomes clear that this is an artistic gambit. By holding back at the beginning, the artist gives herself room to build and develop the emotional impact up to the end (for example, the deeply affecting conclusion of the G minor work's fugue). And Ms. Fischer is able to bring the listener into a very different mood when she pleases, such as in the E major partita's opening prelude, which is as light and carefree as any Bach I have ever heard.

I do not pretend to be an expert in the various offerings of recordings of these works; many people will be able to name particular favorites among performers past and present. What I do feel confident in saying is that Julia Fischer's presentation has a lot to recommend it to both the connoisseur and the person new to Bach. This is a very attractive set, and I trust that it will continue to give listeners much enjoyment even when its lovely and youthful performer reaches double and triple her current age, and beyond.

Me'k said:

Although I'm not one of those people who obsess over older records and dogmatically insist they'll never be bettered, there are some classic recordings in my collection that I consider the very best of a particular work. For a long time, one such favorite was Arthur Grumiaux's recording of Bach's Sonatas and Partitas. It WAS, that is, until I got this album! This quickly became my favorite recording of these works. Though the Sonatas and Partitas are utter warhorses that every major violinist has to record as a rite of passage, (some more than once, even) this album still manages to offer a new perspective and get my attention whenever I listen to it. Julia Fischer generally favors fast tempi, but the Prestos and Gigues don't sound rushed, and the slow movements retain a warmth that admittedly the Grumiaux version somewhat lacked. She pays attention to the smallest details, but the music never sounds too petted and dressed up. She uses plenty of rubato without scattering the essential rhythm, not fattening up parts a la Perlman. Her overall sound is lean, fast, and energetic, without ever sounding rushed, mechnical, or extraneous. You can check out her website, juliafischer.com, for sound samples. Yes, she's only 23 years old, (21 at the time of the recording), but genius is genius, and her youth is a strength in this album.

I loved every moment of these two discs (Hybrid Super-Audio CDs, by the way), and am now hoping Julia will record Bach's Violin Sonatas (BWV1014-19) someday. C'mon Julia!

David Perrine said:

Self-produced labor of love. Refreshingly undogmatic approach. No scratchy chords or shrill tones. Sound is a bit dry on some tracks. Part way through the sessions they moved the mics back and got a lovely sound. Available from CD Baby.

Acknowledgements: Thank you to the following for submitting this recording and for your comments:

Thomas HubeartMe'kDavid Perrine


Disc: 1

01. Sonata for solo violin No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

02. Sonata for solo violin No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

03. Sonata for solo violin No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

04. Sonata for solo violin No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001

05. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

06. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

07. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

08. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

09. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

10. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

11. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

12. Partita for solo violin No. 1 in B minor, BWV 1002

13. Sonata for solo violin No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003

14. Sonata for solo violin No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003

15. Sonata for solo violin No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003

16. Sonata for solo violin No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003

Disc: 2

01. Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

02. Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

03. Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

04. Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

05. Partita for solo violin No. 2 in D minor, BWV 1004

06. Sonata for solo violin No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005

07. Sonata for solo violin No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005

08. Sonata for solo violin No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005

09. Sonata for solo violin No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005

10. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

11. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

12. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

13. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

14. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006

15. Partita for solo violin No. 3 in E major, BWV 1006


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