艾莲妮·卡兰德若《Concert in Athens 雅典音乐会》

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艾莲妮·卡兰德若《Concert in Athens 雅典音乐会》

《Lister To The Lake》
Guido Negraszus《Night Cafe III》

Eleni Karaindrou《Concert in Athens》


【专辑名称】Concert in Athens 雅典音乐会
【艺 术 家】Eleni Karaindrou 艾莲妮·卡兰德若
【唱片公司】ECM New Series
       希腊女作曲家Eleni Karaindrou,被称为希腊大导演Theo Angelopoulos的御用作曲家,他们合作的作品无论是艺术的角度,还是从纯音乐的角度,或者是从电影与音乐的相互配合,都可以被称为经典了。Eleni Karaindrou被她的同胞们称为"Tenth Muse第十缪斯"。她的音乐植根于希腊的传统,但却不拘泥于形式,借鉴了民谣、爵士和古典音乐,用希腊民间乐器和各种现代管弦乐器融合出一种独特的古老而近乎神秘的声音,但其精神却是现代主义的。
01、Death of a Salesman: Requiem for Willy Loman (tenor saxophone, piano, string orchestra)
02、Eternity and a Day: Eternity Theme (piano)
03、Closed Roads
04、Number Ten: Waiting (piano, accordion, harp)
05、Voyage to Cythera: Voyage (oboe, string orchestra)
06、Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf: Invocation (tenor saxophone, string orchestra)
07、Number Ten: Tango of Love (violin, accordion, string orchestra)
08、The Glass Menagerie: Tom's Theme (tenor saxophone, string orchestra)
09、The Glass Menagerie: Laura's Waltz (viola, tenor saxophone, accordion, mandolin, string orchestra)
10、Landscape in the Mist: Adagio (viola, tenor saxophone, oboe, string orchestra)
11、After Memory (viola, tenor saxophone, oboe)
12、The Beekeeper: Farewell Theme (tenor saxophone, piano, string orchestra)
13、Dust of Time: Seeking Theme (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, french horn, trumpet, string orchestra)
14、Number Ten: Nostalgia Song (piano, accordion, flute, mandolin, harp, string orchestra)
15、Number Ten: Waltz of the Rain (accordion, flute, mandolin, harp, violin, string orchestra)
16、Adagio for Saxophone (tenor saxophone, string orchestra)
17、Ulysses' Gaze: Dance (viola, oboe, french horn, accordion, string orchestra)
18、Death of a Salesman: Requiem for Willy Loman, var. (tenor saxophone, piano, string orchestra)

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